Friday, July 8, 2011


Recently our church Pastor did a series of sermons on Jonah. It's one of my favorite stories, and my kids favorite too. It's facinating to imagine being stuck in the belly of a giant fish. What little kid doesn't know and love this story?

Our church of nearly 4000 members has one of those big screen set up and lots of visual aids. Since I am a very visual person, this naturally appeals to me. The church commissioned a local artist to illustrate the series on Jonah. The graphic illustrations were so tremendously popular they posted them on their website for everyone to view.

This is week one. Are the colors fabulous?

Week 2, I feel sea sick just looking at it don't you?

Week 3, This is my favorite. Incredible!

Week 4, Jonah is finially doing what God directed him to do.

Week 5, Jonah is angry with God for the salvation of the people of Ninevah. I love that he is purple!

Our Pastor Tim, has a wonderful way of thinking outside the box, so to speak. This is my favorite of his sermons on the subject, guess what he does with the box?

Designer Mom

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