Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Episcopalian Church

Shortly after that summer my father moved back to town. It had been 7 years of seeing him pretty much only on holidays, and suddenly he was there all the time. He had been through rehab, and recently re-married for the third time. He and his new wife joined the Episcopal Church (, and I began to go to church with him each week. Right away, it felt that it was different. It felt more like the small church in Utah, I found it comforting, and I knew that here things would be different.

As part of the youth program, I attended the Happening Youth retreat weekend. It was a wonderful experience and once more I was in the Sweet Spot. I learned from other Christian kids about God. We were also blessed with two young musicians doing praise worship that are still making Christian music today.

After that, I decided to take another step and be Confirmed in the Episcopal Church. This was nothing like my prior Confirmation experience, it was just one on one, Father Bill and myself. He met with me serveral times and said things like: "So, what do you want to know?" For the first time, I had a chance to openly ask someone about God, and had someone who could answer my questions. At last I was free...

John 8:32 says "And the truth shall set you free." I was free from the misunderstandings of my earlier childhood, free to ask questions and get answers. Once again I could find where I wanted to be in that "Sweet Spot". As I began to grow with the church in my faith, I found I could call on the Lord and be in his graces. However, as wonderful and this was, it was still difficult to STAY there all the time.

Overtime, we all get distracted. Daily cares and worries tend to bring us down. I was no different. Both my parents are into watching the daily news. However, as a child, I found it very disturbing. Among other things, I specifically remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. I was sure that we would all be blown to bits long before I ever graduated from high school.

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